【同义词辨析】 2020-09-02 魔符fetish-amulet

fetish: is applied to an object that is regarded as sacred or magical or to something that is cherished unreasonably or obsessively: make a ~ of the Bill of Rights.   如a fetish for secrecy过度喜欢私密,如 a fetish about cleanliness洁癖, a fetish of work迷恋工作,可见介词可用of, for, about

talisman:primarily applicable to an astrological figure or image held to have magical power, such as to heal or protect, can also denote something that seems to exert a magical, extraordinary, and usually happy influence: wore the ring as a ~.   astrology占星术占星学,认为天体运动对人类有影响     (《魔符The Talisman》是一部1984年发行的美国小说,讲述一名12岁的小男孩从美国东海岸出发,游历美国以及平行世界"疆域",寻找魔符talisman,以拯救他垂危的母亲的故事)   figure和image的区别: figure是由简略的线条构成的图案,image图像则有更多细节

charm: applies to an object or a formula of words believed to repel evil spirits or malign influences or to attract their opposites: a ~ against the evil eye; it may also apply to some quality that is appealing or attractive: captivated by the ~ of the old inn.     多用作比喻,如he was charmed by her beauty and wit他被她的才貌迷住了,如he has led a charmed life (= he has been lucky even in dangerous or difficult situations) 他的日子过得如有神佑(即使遇到艰险都能逢凶化吉)     appealing和attractive完全同义     物理中, repelattract是一对反义词,如magnets can both repel and attract one another磁石即可互相排斥也可互相吸引

amulet: applied especially to something worn or carried on the person as a protection against evil, danger, or disease: protected by an ~ of jaguar teeth.  美洲虎
 吉祥物mascot,如the mascots of Beijing 2008 were the five Fuwa

fetish物神、癖好: 指神圣的有魔力的物体,或被过度迷恋的物体,talisman魔符: 指给人带来健康平安的物体,如带有占星学图案(的戒指或宝石ring or stone),charm符咒、魅力: 能避祸招福物体咒语,或表示有魅力,amulet护身符: 指随身携带,保护人免于邪恶危险疾病的物体

记忆方法: 1)首字母是FACT事实<==魔符

        2)魔符的意思是避祸招福的物体mean an object believed to have the power to avert evil or attract good.